About Me

Hi, there! Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a witty and imaginative designer with a passion for storytelling. I believe everyone has a story and through design, I can help them tell it.
I take designs beyond beautiful visuals by crafting a seamless connection between user and story — encompassing people in meaningful experiences.
Beyond the digital world, I love to participate in community-driven organizations like BRIDGEGOOD, helping to shape the future of design through their mission to #DesignForSocialGood.
My Resume
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What I'm Reading

Atomic Habits by James Clear

What I'm Listening To

UI Breakfast by Jane Portman

What I'm Playing

Marvel's Spider-Man 2


An icon of a person.
User Research & Interviews
An icon of a book with a heart on the cover.
Storytelling / Storythinking
An icon of a vertical bar chart.
Market Research & Competitive Analysis
An icon of a location pin.
Information Architecture
An icon of a mind map.
Interaction Design & User Flows
An icon of a mobile phone.
Wireframing & Prototyping
An icon of a cloud.
Design Thinking
An icon of a test tube.
Usability Testing
An icon of a line graph.
Content Strategy & Marketing
An icon of a group of three people.
Cross-Functional & Hybrid Collaboration


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Above are my favorite applications, but I am a quick learner and open to use any preferred platforms.
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Tools are vehicles. Not Destinations
A tool will not make you a master at a skill. Mastering a skill takes time.
Time. Dedication. Humility.
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